Monday, September 16, 2013

String 'em along

The Buffalo News 14 September 2013
Off Main Street/ The offbeat side of the news

String 'em along

Those holding out hope for the rise of the humble yo-yo were left dangling.

The 2013 New York State Yo-Yo Championships planned for this weekend at Niagara Hobby & Craft Mart in Cheektowaga had to be canceled for lack of entrants. It would have been a first-of-its-kind event for this region, bringing in yo-yoers from three states, as well as Canada, and one from as far away as Malaysia, according to John Kavulich, president of Niagara Hobby.

“We canceled some time ago due to not having the numbers we needed to justify the $3,300 in prize money,” Kavulich said. “We had less than 50, but needed a couple hundred.”

Still, Kavulich is determined to reel in more participants next year and make it all happen.

“Sometimes events suffer from newness,” he said, “and the first one is the hardest.”